
As #MeToo Movement Stands Strong In India, Women Need No Rama Or Ravana

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12,000 years back, Ravana violated Rambha, the queen of the asuras, who was also married to Nalakubara, his brother Kubera’s son. She was one of the most beautiful women- created by the waves of the ocean and the tides of the sea. Rambha, in all fairness, was Ravana’s daughter-in-law. Intrigued by her beauty, Ravana tried to seduce her but when she told him that she was married, he raped her, though she kept pleading with him not to do so.

Once he was satisfied, he left her alone. Rambha then went to her husband Nalakubara, who cursed Ravana, “When (however) stricken with love, he will violate a woman who is unwilling to approach him, his head will actually be split into seven pieces that (very moment).”

Ravana, Rama, Sita, Ramayana, #MeToo, #MeToo in India, Inspiring women, Empowered women

After a few days, Ravana abducted Sita without her consent, disguising himself as a Sadhu. He took her to Lanka and held her as a prisoner for three years, expressing his desire for her and forcing her to consent to marry him.

However, soon Sita was rescued by Rama. But she, who maintained her chastity for three years, showing her dedication towards Rama, was asked by her husband to undergo Agni Pariksha (a trial by fire) to prove her purity. Didn’t Rama also stay away from his wife for the same period of time? Shouldn’t he have also performed agni pariksha as well- to prove his purity too?

Ravana, Rama, Sita, Ramayana, #MeToo, #MeToo in India, Inspiring women, Empowered women

Even after the completion of her agni pariksha, Rama sent her to exile on a rumor spread by a washer-man. For him, his throne was more important than his wife. Sita was sent away when she was pregnant. She gave birth to two sons and raised them alone while Rama was enjoying his kingdom. 

No Rama And Ravana For Us

But women today need no Rama or Ravana to protect them. As the #MeToo movement stands strong in India, women have shown that they will not let any man get away with his misogynistic, selfish attitude of using and violating women according to their convenience.

Ravana, Rama, Sita, Ramayana, #MeToo, #MeToo in India, Inspiring women, Empowered women

It has been a long fight since Sita, who is considered a Goddess, suffered the same fate when two men- Ravana and Rama- used her for their own satisfaction. Her husband disowned her because of his own insecurities and mistrust and the other man kept her captive for three years.

But women today are progressing. They don’t live to earn the trust of a man and dedicate their lives to him, but also stand up strong in front of him whenever he tries to violate her. There is no room for another Ravana or Rama because now, Shakti stands strong and her words are enough to take the devil by storm.

It’s time to smash the misogynist and sexist attitude that has been inherited for ages now. The world is changing, we are changing and now is the time to see the true face of Shakti and burn the heads of Ravana in a new way.

Article reference- Ramayana

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Shubha Shrivastava

An escapist from the worldly problems, seeking solace in words. Discovering the unknown and the unsung and telling their stories, one at a time.

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Shubha Shrivastava

An escapist from the worldly problems, seeking solace in words. Discovering the unknown and the unsung and telling their stories, one at a time.

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