Art & Culture

Community Post: Project Duality – Intertwining lives

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It’s an interesting thing, the way we live our lives, the way we are all so different from each other. Yet somewhere in our mundane routines we do the same things, feel the same things and manage to connect as unique individuals.

This is how #ProjectDuality started off. From a simple post online to a deeper understanding of how we all live our lives, each hour passing by, some intersections bound to happen which we can all resonate with. Due to the response we got for the project, we started making it a monthly habit to churn out some inspiration for everyone around us.

What did we do?

On one of those random Monday’s we thought we should chalk out our day and see what happened, more so, find out how we could connect with each others. It was a very random sending of pictures back and forth, of some simple daily objects and daily events which added those few extra colors to the day.

So here’s us with #Duality. Hope you all enjoy it!

This is me and Aditya.

Aditya starts his day with a cup of black coffee, he’s all ready to start work in his Design space. Divya starts her day with some sugary strawberry flavored yogurt, suggested by some of the students she teaches at her school.
Aditya has a handy pouch that’s filled with all his artistic needs as a designer. Divya on the other hand is more into colors. She likes the color blue and finds her pouch very cool as it can unzip completely into a single length of fabric, and then back to being a single piece, much to the surprise of her students.
Aditya always has to be on time for his meetings and his work has to be up to date. Divya’s day is filled with a lot of fun and color, so time doesn’t apply to her. It’s more about making sure her students are engaged and having a good time. Not to mention, flashing a pink watch now and then in class to spark the children’s attention to learn about time.

 Divya doesn’t have a work space around her. Her class is her work space and she enjoys working around such positive energy.
Aditya on the other hand has to be at his desk, looking around for some inspiration to do some positive work.

Divya’s days are filled with colors, shades of blue being her favorite. Aditya seems to like black quite a bit.

PC : Aditya Dhotre and Divya Ramachandran

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Aditya and Divya are Designers who love doing creative projects. Their work spans from graphic design to product design for social causes. Aditya is currently a Designer at Zoho and Divya teaches at a School and freelances during her free time.

About the Author


Aditya and Divya are Designers who love doing creative projects. Their work spans from graphic design to product design for social causes. Aditya is currently a Designer at Zoho and Divya teaches at a School and freelances during her free time.

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