“Be happy and a reason will come along”
Happiness is a very simple issue. It is a blessing which everyone is entitled to. But not everyone is lucky enough to experience it.
Simply because many a time, people just can’t see the good in things or maybe just can’t get themselves to be nice all the time. But frankly speaking it should be a habit to just be happy.
There is so much going on in the world that one would wonder why everything can’t be pleasant, carefree and joyous. Easier said than done right?
Now imagine opening the newspaper or switching on the news channel to be greeted by the following headlines:
- Cop helps 200 students reach school on time for board exam
- All the cities in India have finally become pollution- free
- Citizens’ country march raises funds to cure cancer patients successfully
This would truly be bliss. Being happy, sharing good news and being good are inter-related.
‘Good’ isn’t just an adjective. It is something that is felt deep down in the soul. Let’s take a look at these simple and happy stories to brighten our day!
Bid goodbye to maths and science, let’s prioritize happiness and positivity!
There are millions of schools that focus on just the numbers on a student’s report card, the number of A grades in Math and Science throughout a child’s school life and then you have Riverbend School!
Riverbend School will soon be build in Chennai with a focus on something apart from the usual curriculum. Its primary aim will be to nurture and cultivate happy students and compassionate people. The school’s campus will be build in a rural area away from the Chennai city. The co-founders of the school and the architect behind the design of the campus believe that happiness comes out of relationships and relationships are stronger in villages.
The Riverbend’s school’s co-founder Vivek Reddy says that happiness or self –esteem or anything that makes us feel good about ourselves for that matter is the foundation on which great lives are built. The founders of this school come from an entrepreneurial background and not an educational one. They hence decided to take a different look at how they could develop a school.
The school that is designed by architecture studio Kurani won’t have traditional classrooms and focuses around a public plaza and spaces for studying, playing, farming, reflecting and living. This unique school that breaks free from the traditional style of education will also have ideation labs, meditation rooms, and will be dedicated to teaching happiness through a 400- student weekday boarding school.
Over here, coaches and mentors teach how to live a happier life and students can decide what they wish to learn. Now how cool is that?!
RJying his way into people’s hearts
Bengaluru and its infamous traffic, frustrated people, road blocks, not-so co-operative commuters! And then….. “Hey, hey, hey this is Kay!” A chirpy and positive voice changes your day. The frustration and anger drops down in a jiffy! This is the power a happy and positive voice has on listeners as early as 7 a.m. in the morning.
Meet RJ Kay (Karan) Machado, the youngest morning show host in Bengaluru. Kay has been mesmerising his listeners on 94.3 Radio One India for about two years now. He is nothing short of a celebrity and idol for so many who look up to him as a family member rather than an RJ.
The innumerable number of listeners (read fans) who walk into the radio one studio on a daily basis, bringing him goodies or just dropping in for a small chat with Kay stand testimony to this.
But one will not be surprised. Kay is one who makes a strong effort to connect on a personal level with his listeners. He does the smallest of things to spread joy and happiness.

Right from childhood Kay has been a part of theatre and used to host numerous shows in his school. Imitating people and being in the spotlight just came naturally to him. He always believed in doing what he loved and worked his way through to become a successful radio Jockey on Bengaluru’s most popular morning show. Kay is also a part of The Improv, a live Improvisational Comedy Show.
One would wonder why a RJ with such a busy schedule would connect with people on a personal level or even bother to surprise his listeners as young as five years of age on their birthday!
“Happiness and positivity are very under rated in today’s world. I believe that being happy is more important than being successful. If I can be happy so can you.” he says.
When speaking about hosting he adds “Your middle point in the show is someone’s starting point in the day. If I have the power to change someone’s day, then I am more than glad to do so.”
Perhaps it is his attitude of gratitude that makes him so popular and loved by all.
For every listener or visitor that shows their love towards him, this down-to earth RJ has just one thing to say “I have always been fortunate. At the right time I got to deal with the right skill. I’m blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. I couldn’t be more thankful”
Wouldn’t it be great if we all just saw the good in people and are grateful for whatever we have?
This village plants 111 trees for every girl child born
A true example of eco- feminism is Piplantri village in Rajasthan. Over here, the birth of a girl chid isn’t greeted with dolls, frocks or bangles but by planting 111 trees.
Yes, you read that right. 111 trees! The custom was started by Shyam Sundar Paliwal, the former village leader in honour of his daughter who passed away when she was young. The village celebrates the birth of a girl child by planting 111 saplings. The villagers take care of the trees as their own daughters. This not only benefits the community but also the planet.
As a part of the tradition a trust is also created. Together with the contributions from the child’s parents and villagers, an amount of 31,000 rupees ($ 500) is collected. This amount is set aside in a 20- year fixed deposit for the girl. The parents sign a legal affidavit which states that their daughter will only be married once she reaches legal age and has received a proper education.
These conditions help protect the right of the girl and promote continuity by ensuring the fruit trees can support the growing population of the community.
This single tradition has such a positive impact at so many levels- the lives of so many girls, the community, the eco-system and sustainability. It also serves as a ray of light in promoting gender equality.
There isn’t any particular place that we need to go to in order to find happiness. It is our actions and choices that keep us happy. So who do you choose to make happy today?
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