Shah Rukh Khan, undisputedly THE BEST IN BOLLYWOOD gave a TED Talk on April 27, 2017 at Vancouver. In the talk, he picked anecdotes from his life and co-related it with humanity. The talk was one of the most awaited from this year and SRK clearly charmed his way STRAIGHT into our hearts..
- When he unapologetically obsessed with himself…
I’ve also been made to understand there are lots of you here who haven’t seen my work..
2. When he acknowledged the purpose of his existence to pump blood filled with hope and love and everything charming in every Indian…
3. When he spoke about his parents’ death and immediately eased the audience with some humor.
When I was in my early 20s, I lost both my parents…
And when he spoke about how simple his life and humanity was back then…
4. HAH.
5. When he gushed and blushed on how being a celebrity meant him meeting Angelina Jolie.
Watch Elon Musk Full TED Talk
6. When he made a pretty stark point picking a phase from his life…
7. When he spoke for every Superhero actor out there!
8. When he broke down the Lungi dance choreography for a conference full of the international audience.
And indulged in some more self-obsession, putting another deep inference about humanity right into our brain.
9. When he reassured everyone out there that NOW is the best time to be alive.
Thank you, Shahrukh Khan, for everything you’ve done and said.
Watch SRK’s Full TED talk here:
Elon Musk with Chris Anderson at TED Talk in Vancouver
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